female student talking to an academic counselor.

Advantages of dual credit

Get a head start on earning college credit by taking dual-credit classes at Sandburg. Dual-credit classes allow you, as a high school student at a participating high school to take courses that count toward both your high school and college credit. Don’t wait until you’ve graduated to begin your college career — use dual credit to get started today!



Tuition at Sandburg is three times less than it is to attend a public in-state university, saving families hundreds or even thousands of dollars. Sandburg provides a discount of 50% off tuition for up to six credits per semester (4 credits for 12-week terms).

Lighten your college workload

With dual credit already on your transcript, you get a head start on your college courses. Frequently, students can take a lighter academic load or even graduate early.

Earn a degree while still in high school

Some high schools in our district offer enough dual credit classes that students can complete their associate in arts from Sandburg while they’re still in high school.

Student services

Dual credit students receive the same on-campus benefits as other Sandburg students, including academic advising, free tutoring (in-person and online), Sandburg library access and free admission to campus events.